Success Stories

Success Stories

Diamond in the Rough
Flushing, NY

YS is an eleven year old boy who was typically referred to as the class clown. He had trouble focusing on class lessons and was consistently sent out of class for misbehavior. He also had trouble getting along with his peers who were legitimately frustrated with him. He was well liked by the principal but even that relationship was tiring after all the trouble Y had caused and by his constant crossing of boundaries.

Over the summer, Y worked on developing self awareness, impulse control and how to develop healthy relationships with campers and authority figures. He went back to school the next year and became one of the top students in his grade. He won a well known academic competition and is currently excelling socially and academically in a mainstream school.

Returning Children to Mainstream Schools
Los Angeles, CA

M and his family came to the Diamond Program cross-country from Los Angeles to work on M’s aggressive and inattentive behavior. M was originally placed in a mainstream school in Los Angeles but had to leave in first grade due to his poor social behavior. Two months after the summer program we received a phone call from M’s mother reporting that the people in the community keep commenting that M is a different child. After telling the community members about the summer program, the community members decided to invite the Diamond Summer Program to run a 10-day behavioral intervention program in Los Angeles during the Midwinter vacation of 2005.

The program in California consisted of students who were unable to function in mainstream schools. The principals of the local schools visited the program and decided to adopt a similar behavioral system and implement it in their mainstream schools. This facilitated the return of these students to a mainstream school and eventually enabled them to return to the mainstream classes they had come from.

Striving for Truth

One of the major benefits of the program is that the data collected during the day can be used diagnostically. Realized underlying problem was not ADHD but anxiety. Traumatic early experience of parent undergoing brain surgery. After changing pharmaceutical and behavioral treatment child.